Maxim Nikitin about travel to Balkans & push-up challenge

– Maxim Nikitin, why have you decided to go to Balkans?

We decided to go to a 10-days expedition to the Balkans together with my friends. Our team prefers active rest, it was interesting to see beautiful landscapes, explore how people live in other countries.

– What countries appealed to you the most?

Personally, I liked Macedonia, Montenegro, Hungary (Budapest) the most. I was excited to get the unique experience of visiting the capital cities.

– You had a push-up challenge, making videos in each country. How this idea come up?

I stick to a healthy lifestyle, visit the gym regularly, and prefer healthy nutrition. My fitness trainer advised maintaining my lifestyle and keep fit during the trip. He told me to come back with no more than 4 extra kilos!

So, I decided to push up in each country, take video and post in my Instagram account. People like the challenge, comment, and follow.

– Did your team help you during your challenge?

Yes, they supported my idea. Yuriy Rychuk took videos, other companions helped to choose the landscape. Sometimes it demanded 3-4 attempts to take the video.

– Maxim Nikitin, are you planning the next challenges?

Yes, I  have more creative and interesting ideas for my following challenges. I want to show people the possibility to combine traveling and a healthy lifestyle.

Interviewed by Tania Kharkevich.

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